Week 08

"Films are 50% visual and 50% sound. Sometimes sound even overplays the visual."

-David Lynch

Scene:#8 of 15
Action:Track Right
Invented in the late 1960s by Richard Waters, the waterphone (or ocean harp) is an inharmonic percussion intrument consisting of stainless steel resonator bowl with bronze rods of different lengths around the rim. The resonator may contain a small amount of water giving the waterphone a vibrant ethereal sound often used to evoke mystery and suspense, and has been used in many film soundtracks, such as "Poltergeist," "The Matrix," & "Star Trek: The Motion Picture."


Week 08 History: Sound in Film


There are several different facets to sound. There's dialogue (the words the actors say), the production sound (the audio that was recorded when they were on set), the sound effects (the sounds that are created in post production to enhance things like a punch, a laser gun, or even fill-in things like footsteps), and then there's the score (usually symphonic music). After that, there's the sound mix, taking all of these elements and mixing them together so that not one thing stands out above the others. They exist as a cohesive whole.

After viewing the videos, click on the "D" to the left to go to Moodle and take part in the discussion forum.





History 08: Sound


"The Avengers," The Hulk Returns (2012)

Project 3: "Sound Design"


Download your project media, watch the tutorial on Sound Design, then click on the "P" to link to Moodle where you will be able to  find the instructions for your third project!

This project is more of an exercise, and is due at the end of the week.




Ready to get started? Great! First, you need to download the media for your project.

Premiere Tutorial Course: Premiere Pro Get Started, pt 2 (Review)

Review this tool from Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorials to help finish this project.


Project Tutorial: "Sound Design"


Project Tutorial: "What is Foley Sound?"


Week 08 Reading & Assignment


Click on the "R" to link to Moodle where you can access the assigned reading for Week 08.



Lucky! There are no additional assignments this week.

Week 08 Assessment & Midterm Exam


Click on the "Q" to link to Moodle and the quiz for Week 08.





Click on the "E" to link to Moodle and the midterm exam. The questions are in multiple-choice format.





"Online Video," Ryan Merkley, TED Talk


"The History of the Film Trailer," FilmmakerIQ.com