Week 13


"I think every age has a medium that talks to it more eloquently than the others. In the 19th century it was symphonic music and the novel. For various technical and artistic reasons, film became that eloquent medium for the 20th century."

-Walter Murch

Scene:#13 of 15
Action:Drone Fly-Over
"THX 1138" (1971) was George Lucas' directorial debut and first feature, which was developed from his student film "Electronic Labyrinth: THX-1138 4EB." Walter murch co-wrote the screenplay with Lucas, and while Lucas edited the footage during the day, murch edited sound at night. It all came together in this surreal science-fiction film about a dystopian future where humans are controlled and continually drugged by an android police force.


Week 13: Spotlight on Walter Murch


So we reach the end of Murch's book. I find it to be the most thorough meditation on the art of editing (and even a little bit of the business of editing) but I'm interested in your thoughts on it and on Murch.

Click on the "D" to the left to go to Moodle and take part in the discussion forum.





Project 5: "The Dialogue Scene" Cont'd


Continue working on Project 5, The Dialogue Scene.

Project 5 will be turned in the Week 15 module where you will create and paste a link to your work, as well as look at each others' work.





Project 5 Example: "Raging Bull," "Hit me in the face!" (1980)

Week 13 Reading & Assignment


Lucky! There is no additional reading this week.





After watching Cold Mountain, click on the "A" to the left to go to Moodle where you'll find all your instructions for this assignment associated Walter Murch and his editing of the film.





Need a few extra points? Your extra credit assignment is now available, and you will have 2 weeks to complete it. It is due in the Week 14 module.


Week 13 Assessment & Final Review


Lucky! There is no additional quiz this week.





Begin getting ready for the final exam. Review the following videos to prepare. The exam will be given in the last module.


History 06: Eisenstein


History 07: Montage Theory


History 08: Sound


History 09: Women in Editing


History 10: The French New Wave


History 11: Modern Editing